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finding Fault January 26, 2010
It takes very little ability to find fault, that is why there are so many critics... [MORE]

Having Everything January 20, 2010
remember you cannot have everything you ask for in life.  Besides if you did, where would you put it?... [MORE]

reflection December 26, 2009
Next time you look back or reflect on a moment lost, do not say if only, say next time and mean it... [MORE]

Worth December 10, 2009
Life is like the well and water.  you never truly understand the value of water, untel the well runs dry... [MORE]

Lying December 03, 2009
We lie louder when we are lying to ourselves, rather than to others... [MORE]

Hindsight December 02, 2009
The afternoon knows what the morning never expected... [MORE]

Change November 26, 2009
Change and improvement are two different things and do not mean the same... [MORE]

Gods Delays November 18, 2009
God's delays are not his denials... [MORE]

Happiness November 16, 2009
happiness is not about how much we have in life, but more about how much we enjoy life... [MORE]

Kindness November 12, 2009
Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see... [MORE]

Wisdom November 10, 2009
a wise man does not need advice, a folls refuses to take it... [MORE]

our character November 02, 2009
Nothing shows a person's true character more so, than watching what they laugh at... [MORE]

Fear October 21, 2009
Fear is  like a darkroom.  It is a place where little doubts get developed... [MORE]

Afraid to step October 12, 2009
Do not ask for guidance then refuse to move your feet.  Guidance can be sent but you must be willing to move or change direction ... [MORE]

Kind words September 29, 2009
Dont ask the universe to send a light load, ask for a strong back that you may carry the load... [MORE]

holding your tongue September 23, 2009
It is the wise person thats holds their tongue when they are right... [MORE]

Psychic or Spiritual? September 20, 2009
What is the difference between a Psychic and a Medium?  Answer:  A psychic will psychically read and gain the information from sever... [MORE]

Time for you September 18, 2009
Every day set aside a little time for you.  Time for               &nb... [MORE]

Acts of Kindess September 17, 2009
No act of kindness, no matter how small or insiginficant is ever wasted... [MORE]

Realising what and who matters September 15, 2009
Someone once sent me an email about realising the following:    Who matters, Who never did, Who won't anymore... And w... [MORE]

Pity August 18, 2009
The only pity that is ever wasted is that which is bestowed upon ourselves... [MORE]

Revenge August 14, 2009
Revenge is a dish best eaten cold... [MORE]

Laughter July 22, 2009
Laughter is one of the most powerful abilities we have.  It can ease a broken heart, change the way we see a situation and lift our spirits t... [MORE]

Smiling July 11, 2009
  Anothers words can decieve you, as what people say is not always what they feel or believe.  But a smile can be heard in someones ... [MORE]

The Universal Rules - Free will June 13, 2009
How easy life would be if in our early stages of development someone told us the universal laws.  these are not the laws that govern our land, th... [MORE]

Happiness June 05, 2009
Happiness is internal, it is felt within.  It is not the external material objects that make us happy.  They can stimulate us for a shor... [MORE]

change and Fear May 26, 2009
we are down here to grow, whether we see it, know it or recognise this, its a fact.  Most of us grow through life's experience's, both ... [MORE]

Friendship, the good the bad and the awful May 26, 2009
      Throughout our lives people will come and go.  We will meet some wonderful people who may only touch our lives... [MORE]

Our journey May 19, 2009
someone sent me an email once.  It said   God isn't interested in how big your house was, he is interested to here how many people you we... [MORE]

Letting go May 15, 2009
There are often times in our lives where we are troubled by incidents and situations.  Most the time we have no control over these situations, we... [MORE]

Tomrrow May 07, 2009
Most of us spend most of our time struggling to cope with today, that we give very little time and thought for tomorrow.  Today we can build our ... [MORE]

Leaving your troubles behind March 15, 2009
To monks began a 20 mile journey.  A young novice monk and an elder.  Such was the order of these monks that they were forbidden to speak or... [MORE]

Blind faith is not always the way March 01, 2009
A terrible flood it a valley, the worst flood they had known for years.  the authorities told the people to leave.  Don had lived here all h... [MORE]

Death of a loved one February 02, 2009
     Nothing in life prepares us for the loss of someone close to us, epecially a partner or a child.  Often it is the finali... [MORE]

Not knowing where you are at August 08, 2008
Many years ago a novice Monk was mentored by a very wise elderly Monk, who invested many hours in trying to teach the young Monk the importance of bei... [MORE]

Sandrea Mosses - Medium & Clairvoyant

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