Astrology is the blue print we bring with us down to Earth. It helps us to achieve all the tasks and goals we sert before we came here. By exploring our chart we can learn and understand an aful lot about our past, present and future life and challenges. Cherry Williams is an Astrologer with years of experience in this field. She is renowned for her planetary knowledge and interpretation. Over the years she has had artocles published in an array of different magerzines, website etc., She specialises in compiling charts for the spiritually evolved, those that are one a chosen pathway and working in or for the light. All charts data is hand written and her own interpretation, not a compouter generated analysis. In order to have a chart produced you need your time of birth, date of birth and place. Comprehensive charts are priced from £40.00 to £80.00. To order a chart you can either email Cherry at [email protected] or call her on 07813582040. In honesty I don't have readings off anyone, when I need guidance or direction, I order an updated chart of Cherry, this method has never let me down. |