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Troubles by Ghosts

Are you haunted or troubles by an Unseen Force?

At some point in our lives, whether we realise it or not, we will come into contact with a ghost. Whether this is a loved one, just checking you are okay.  Or warning you of some yet to occur event.  Or to the other extent a demonic force determined to wreak havoc in your life.

Your Rights.  No-one should be tormented.  Entities that do this are breaking the laws of this land.  Your right to free will.  To have who you want in and around your world and to banish those you do not want.  This includes deceased souls, disembodied entities and demonic forces.

What Can you Do?  Do not try to communicate with it at all.  Energy is power.  These entities live on human energy.  This is what keeps them going and allows them to grow stronger and stronger.  The greater their strength the more they can do.  such as, move objects, create smells etc.,

Call for Help.  Be careful who you ask for help from.  A Ghost Hunter, normally hunts ghosts and communicates with them.  They do not banish or clear.  You need someone who can clear this force from your lives.  Check they have a proven past history in removing these entities.  Trust no-one.  Remember Everyone is facinated with ghosts.  You are not providing entertainment, you want help.

If the person is not powerful enough to deal with your problem all the psychic energy generated will go to the entity.  They will now be stronger than ever.

What we Do. I have assisted people for many, many years in banishing ghosts.  Sometimes to my own peril, where it has had an impact on my physical health, but I refuse to be beaten.  I work as part of team.  The main team member is Lyn Slim, a very powerful energy worker and healer.  I always have at least three people, sometimes four, depending on what I feel we are dealing with.

The Cost.  Is very reasonable, too reasonable sometimes, but I will never turn away someone who is being haunted or tormented.  Price on asking.





Sandrea Mosses - Medium & Clairvoyant

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