Welcome... I am Sandrea Mosses, International Medium, clairvoyant, author and teacher, I work in churches and centres in England, Wales and Spain.
To book an appointment for a personal reading click here: Booking Client
Regular Columnist for Take a Break 'Fate and Fortune' magazine 'A Day in The Afterlife'.
if you want personalised 'Day in the Afterlife' reading email Sandrea Directly
2nd February 2017: Beyond The Darkness welcomes International Medium, Clairvoyant, Author and Teacher. Sandrea Mosses to talk about some of the harrowing experiences that she and her team have had encountering and removing malevolent ghost and nasty demons! Podcast link here... (Please note: The Podcast is in two parts, part one starts from "0" to "24.41" and part two of interview is from "42.12" to the end of Podcast.)
As featured in the following Newspapers and Magazines: